There were around 400,000 house fires in 2019 leading to 4000 civilian deaths and damages worth nearly 7 billion dollars. Residential fires are the most prevalent type of fires in San Diego. These fires are not only fatal but devastating as well.
Fire damages property like no other disaster so, being aware of its causes might be of some help. We might not be able to reduce the damages and figures associated with damage but if we learn more about them, the better chances we have for fire damage restoration San Diego.
Let’s look at some of the most common causes of residential fire in San Diego.
Electrical fires
Electrical fires may result from short circuiting sparks that may ignite the building materials. If the circuits are overloaded and heated then it can also devastating electrical fires.
It always better to consult an electrician to take a look at the electrical wiring of the house. After an electrical fire, always seek help from any of the fire damage restoration San Diego.
Home cooking
Half of the residential fires are due to home cooking. Overheated grease, stoves and ovens left open in the kitchen area some of the common causes that can ignite a fire. If any of these ignites then, immediately switch off the appliances. Clean portable appliances should be cooled before storing.
Unattended barbeques can also ignite and spark a fire if placed too close to the house.

Christmas trees
During winters, the most common cause of fires is Christmas trees and its decorations. When the tree is decorated with flammable materials like lights and garlands they can easily catch fire despite of being fake or real. It is always better to turn off the lights while you are leaving the house or off to bed.
They account for the lowest share of fire causes but are extremely dangerous like any other. Kids running around the house may knock the candle and it may fall on the ground causing nearby rugs to catch fire.
People lit candles during a power cut but often forget to blow them. If they are placed near any flammable they can easily ignite fire within seconds.
During winters, houses use space heaters. If they are placed inside a bedroom and left close to bed sheets or carpets may catch fire. Heaters that require fuels shouldn’t be used at home and should never ever be left turned on when not at home.
Author Bio:-
Billy is a marketing manager at EZ Restoration USA. Her extensive knowledge of plumbing services has helped many people to overcome water damage and slab leak repair issues in their homes and offices. Through her blogs, she shares valuable information to the people across the USA about the advantages of AC & other appliances installation in San Diego, why regular maintenance of the HVAC system is required, and how to detect, prevent, and fix the water damage and slab leaks in your property.
Stay tuned with her recent posts and lead a comfortable life through extensive information of signs of issues in plumbing and HVAC systems and the right solution to fix it.